Friday 13 August 2021


Normally I would be continuing a series (such as the current one on griffins) but its time and timely to do a brief interruption.
Some of you may have seen news reports about recent FIRES in GREECE wild fires forest fires bushfires whatever you call them they are bringing death and destruction!
So a word of support! 
Well several ...
Greece has endured earthquakes floods droughts invasions 
May it abide as the first European shore to be touched by "rosy fingered Dawn" ! 
Writing from a land also frequently effected by wild or arson caused fires remember the green will return and yes there will be a lot of unproductive finger pointing and people trying to exploit the situation.
Rebuild replant trees just maybe a lot less fast growing conifers and more slower growing elms cypress oak and please consider buying up burnt out properties to create a green belt of say playing or sports fields or public parks  to act as a fire barrier between housing and coastal scrub 
These work ! 
Unblock old stone cisterns 
Clear springs and waterways
Even a few degrees of coolness made a difference.  
Create more open space and public beach parks 
But most of all 
And know I'm seeing a lot of Australians not just of Greek descent working on ways to help you all ! 

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