Sunday 27 January 2019

Willing Service

#therapoon #therapeuoo #service #greeknewtestment #biblestudy


There's a word used in Luke Chapter Nine that tells us something about Service and Ministry

Luke Ch.9 Verse 1

Jesus sends out the disciples givng them power and authority over "daimonia" and illnesses

However to heal is only one meaning for this verb it also means to tend and serve

Verse 6 they went into the villages not just the big cities and shared the good news and
therapeuontes healing / serving everywhere

Now therapeuoo is not to serve like a slave but to serve a higher power usually a god or a member of a ruling family as an attendant or companion and Patroclus' relationship to Achilles is described as being such. He was a therapoon and this word is also used to describe people who worked at pagan temples and shrines that offered healing services which is how it came to be used to describe healing along with forms derived from iatroo

Verse 11 speaks of Jesus therapeias iato offering service to those who had need of healing

But you don't need to be a miracle healing. You can be a nurse doctor or paramedic a first aider or first responder a pharmacist or therapist.

Remember Therapeia Therapeuoo and therapoon all are WILLING SERVICE not slavery whether the service is given as an act of friendship or loyalty or a belief you are serving a higher power to do things that help people.

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