Saturday 30 June 2018

Covenants and Communion

#wordstudy #biblestudy diatheekee #covenant #koinegreek

What do you think of when you see the word covenant?

Mark 14:24 
and he said to them 
"this is the blood of me of the DIATHEEKEE which is being poured out for many"

 Mark 14:22-26 and parallel passages in Luke and Matthew about the Last Supper are part of the foundation and support for various teachings and practices for Holy Communion or Mass or whatever your church calls it?

Let use consider the word diatheekee usually translated as covenant.

It also means will or testament or a placing of property based on an arrangement between individuals.

The verbal root is diatitheemi.

Consider alternative translations
this is mine blood of inheritance
this is the blood mine for inheritance
this is the blood of me the property which is being poured out for the many

Summing all of that up as a covenant makes senses but it is also a promise to the disciples present of an inheritance to be shared by many?
And  perhaps given the preset Perfect Passive form a prophecy of a VERY NEAR future event
A phrase more exactly meaning a very soon to be event involving bloodshed is about to occur reads equally awkwardly in Greek or English.

I do wish there was some way to place more emphasis on DIATHEEKEE in English?

I hope I've shown you again why knowing even a little greek or using a commentary that refers to the greek text is important and useful?

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