Sunday, 30 September 2018

Fulfilling prophecy

What did Jesus say about fulfilling prophecies and the Scriptures

#biblestudy #greeknewtestament

LUKE 4:21 

In keeping with my prior post I want to point out that again Luke uses the perfect form of a verb and he's talking about prophecies!

4:21 and he begun to to speak to them

Today pepleerootai = it has been but note perfect form the writing / hee graphee  hautee the written this ... being a quote form Isaiah 61.1-2 into your ears en tois oosin humoon

Today fulfilled this writing in your hearing

Today you heard this writing has been fulfilled

Note that Jesus doesnt talk about scriptural inerrancy or the holiness of the Old Testament and note what he quoted from Isaiah

The Spirit holy is upon me


he will preach gospel announce that prisoners and the oppressed will be ransomed and released and the blind recover sight

Prophecy is fulfilled by action!

Faith and works !

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