Sunday, 2 December 2018

Two Tales of Faith and Love

#greeknewtestament #biblestudy #faith

Luke Chapter 7 opens and closes with two contrasting characters who moved Jesus because of their faith in his power but also because of their love for another.

First we have the tale of the Centurion who had a beloved young slave referred to as a pais and doulos

The local synagouge at Capernaum approached Jesus for help for this outsider who was possibly an adult convert because he loved their ethnos - nation / people and had built the synagouge

Jesus however agrees to to help the slave because of the humility and faith of the Centurion.

"not in Israel such faith I have found"

At the end of the chapter we see Jesus dining in the house of a Pharisee called Simon.

Somehow a woman described as a sinner ( the actual sin is not specified) made her way into the house and begun anointing Jesus feet
After some interchange with Simon Jesus says

" set free the sins of her which (are) many that / because she loved much

and the chapter ends with

The faith of you it has saved you Go in peace

So the power of faith and love leading to the power of forgiveness.

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