Sunday, 18 November 2018

preparing students

#biblestudy #greeknewtestament #gospelofluke

Yes people another one of those verse in which knowing Greek deepens insight

Luke 6:40

ouk estin matheetees huper ton didaskalov
kateertismenos de pas estai hoos ho didaskalos autou

not is student over the teacher
then we have a perfect passive participle usually translated as taught trained or perfected
when or after being trained all will be like the teacher of him

note also Hoos some versions translate this as equal but its as like how that

The verb is katartizoo note the art stem

it also means prepare make an exact fit in fact the dictionary says the meaning teach or train is secondary

... make an exact fit ... all not the gospels have this verb and it is odd Luke thinks it should be katartizoo rather than didaskoo or paideuoo ?

I was pondering this and remembered the practice Joseph was a carpenter.

I suspect there is both a pun and a critique here possibly of ancient teaching methods.

Students have to be prepared to become teachers

Students will be teachers if prepared for their role not merely instructed or trained but prepared?

Also here we encouragement that we can become teachers
We do not have to be better or worse or compete than them but be ready to teach others ourselves if we are prepared to do so?

Next time its mid week so back to a secular theme!
That party god!

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