Sunday 22 July 2018

Strolling Scribes

#bible study #scribes #gospelofmark #mark  #newtestamentgreek


Mark 12:38-40 
(see also Luke 20:45-47 and Matthew 23: 5-7)
Literal word for word translation follows

Verse 38
and in the teaching of him he was saying
note the use of  elegen in Greek not said but saying perhaps because he said this several times?

Blepete apo look about (at) consider regard the scribes (and their actions)

 theloo is the verb liking / wanting
in stoles (perhaps not just fringed shawls but long over-robes in contrast to the shorter everyday wear and tunics of workers
peripatein to walk about to stroll casually
and (liking) aspasmos greetings  in the market place / town centre
The agora was the town centre for markets and business with major admin buildings nearby

Socializing when they should be teaching?

Verse 39

and first chairs (places of honor special seating in the "front row" in the synagouges
and firstcouches in meals = at dinners possibly even Greek or Roman style dinners or feasts
if they were reclining on couches.

Verse 40 (the scribes are) those who eat down  - we would say eat up or consume -
the house(hold)s of widows and clearly he means money not just food
as an excuse praying

like some modern preachers who say they'll pray for you if you send money or any priest or shaman or guru or cult leader  in any religion who wants money not just to cover expenses but to make a profit from prayers or rituals

Note he is not saying pastors and priests can't ask for donations or charge to cover expenses from those who can afford to and have money but he is condemning those who take money from the poor and ... widows were supposed to be protected and helped not prey for the greedy.

they will receive leempsontai is the future of lambano a  more (severe) perissoteron  punishment krima

Do I need to name examples of modern preachers or priests or pastors who do this?

The ones who are always seen wearing makeup and hand tailored clothes and not just to cover blemishes or because they look bad in readymade suits.

The ones who want to be seen with celebrities or politicians at prayer breakfasts or sporting events or rallies.

Don't be a strolling scribe! Be a teacher and expert who uses their knowledge to help others.

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