Sunday 25 March 2018

Servants and Masters and Leaders

#biblestudy #greeknewtestament
There are several verses on this theme in the Gospels
In Matthew 20:25 -28 Jesus talks about how the great must be servants and the first amongst you a slave and something similar is in Mark 10: 42 -45

I'm going to focus on that verse because the Greek text syntax shows us something about the differences between Greek and English

42 Know that those who are thinking
 (about themselves note dokeoo is not impersonal here)
 to rule the nations "lord" over them
and the great have authority /  power of/from  them
 (read of and genitive as over in this context)

43 not so will it be in you ( your group the future church)
( read en plus dative as amongst or as within a group)
but whosoever (hos plus an plus subjunctive form of theloo)
would want in you great to become in you will be for you a minister
 (paid or public servant / official )

44 and whosoever in you to be first will be of all slave

45 and for the son of man not came to be served but to serve and to give the soul/ life of him ransom anti pollwn against many against can be translated as for when its a contrasting and counterbalancing action the ransom paid as an opposite to a debt or loss

The great and the powerful must serve the many

Dokeoo can mean think suppose imagine

He does not want his followers to be the sort of leaders empires produce !

Leadership is service not privilege !

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