Saturday 3 March 2018

FOLLY - Aphrosune

#aphrosune #classicalgreek #NTgreek


The final vice in the list in Mark 7:22 is Aphrosune generally translated as foolishness.

Liddell and Scott defines it as folly or thoughtlessness.

Literaly  a = "un"  phro - sunee = "ness"

But is it a+phro from aphroon "unmind"  or Aphros - foam or froth ?

And the list is one of actions Folly and Foolishness - not using your mind leading to error

I can see Greeks using a word frothiness to mean silliness or ignorant - that ones thoughts is as transient and shifting as sea foam and bubbles that pop and as disordered as those random bubbles.

Foolishness comes from humans not thinking probably?

and foolish actions and words? ... oh dear there are far too many examples coming from so many people.

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