Saturday 24 February 2018


#greeknewtestament #bibelstudy #wordstudy #hypereephania

The Word used in the Greek New Testament and other secular prose and poetry that we translate as Pride or Arrogance has a very different etymology and origin than the word we use in English which is borrowed from French.

In #mark7:22 HYPEREEPHANIA is listed as a human sin

Note that the long e is inserted as the greeks had an almost involuntary hardwired dislike of  certain combinations of medial double consonants except in passive verb forms. You see r + ph in short words but the greeks with their passion for rhetoric were very careful about having balanced euphony to the thought of obsession.

It literally translates as over+appearance with the idea something is TOO obvious conspicious or bright and while sometimes used as a compliment was often used to describe people who thought too highly of themselves.

IN English we sometimes use Pride with a meaning of self respect but the Greek word does not have this connotation in texts I've seen. This is the form of Pride that's an egomania or obsession with status or thinking of one as being better or more important than others when you're not.

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